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Movie Tracker List - Stay Updated on Movie Availability

Movie Tracker List is a free Chrome extension that keeps you informed about the availability of movies on your watchlist. Whether you're waiting for a movie to be available for online streaming or on DVD, this handy tool will alert you as soon as it becomes accessible.

With Movie Tracker List, you can easily keep track of your favorite movies and receive notifications when they are available to watch online or download from popular sources like torrents. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly checking the internet to see if your desired movie is finally available.

This extension makes use of trusted sources such as OMDb and FileList to provide you with real-time updates on movie availability. Whether you prefer streaming or downloading via torrents, Movie Tracker List ensures that you never miss out on watching your favorite films.

Stay up-to-date with Movie Tracker List and enjoy the convenience of being notified when your chosen movie is available online or on DVD.

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